Matt and I and Kara stayed at Family Camp in early July, and while Kara volunteered at camp all week, Matt and I skipped all of the daytime workshops and activities to work out at Greenwood -- coming back for some awesome services in the evenings.
Matt continued to work on the basement wiring with his friend Ron who has donated hours of help and expertise to us! He also removed a huge stump in the front yard, got the basement cleaned up and tore up the kitchen floor with some helpers from the Jackson Free Methodist church who are trying to raise money for a mission's trip!
My job during the week was washing out the master closet, which I thought would take me one day. Instead, it took the whole week and it's still not done. I realized after the first scrub-down, that I was actually washing paper that had been painted. So Matt and I pulled down all of the shelves inside the closet and I went to work stripping the paper from the walls. The walls will have to be patched because the paper was covering up some significant cracks, but once the floors are leveled we can begin working on cracked walls.
Paper is stripped now (sort of looks worse)
When I realized that I was washing paper!
What I used to strip it:
Dirt and grime:
The opposite wall I could just wash because it was NOT paper:
That's it for this post - next post will be just pix of Matt pulling up the kitchen floor (more interesting than this one ha).
Good job!